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THIS PROGRAM IS WRITTEN IN C /* Program to convert length to different units*/ #include int main(void) { float length, converted, measure; char inUnits, outUnits; printf("Enter the value of length to be converted: "); scanf("%f", &measure); printf("Enter the unit of value entered (I, F, Y, or M): "); scanf("%c", &inUnits); printf("Enter the unit to convert value to (c, m, or k): "); scanf("%c", &outUnits); switch(inUnits){ case 'I': converted = measure * 2.54001; printf("The length you entered in inches is equal to %f centimeters", converted); break; case 'Y': converted = measure * 0.9144402; printf("The length you entered in yards is equal to %f meters", converted); break; case 'M': converted = measure * 1.60935; printf("The length you entered in miles is equal to %f kilometers", converted); break; case 'F': switch(outUnits){ case 'c': converted = measure * 30.4801; printf("The length you entered in feet is equal to %f centimeters", converted); break; case 'm': converted = measure * 0.304801; printf("The length you entered in feet is equal to %fmeters", converted); break; default: printf("Incorrect unit entered. Please enter a valid unit."); break;} break; default: printf("Incorrect unit entered. Please enter a valid unit."); break;} return 0; } Faq


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