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Bitnami is a library of installers or software packages for web applications and development stacks as well as virtual appliances. Bitnami makes it incredibly easy to deploy applications with native installers, as virtual machines, or in the cloud. Some of the tools or packages in bitnami are discussed below; 1. Exo platform enterprise It is an enterprise grade social collaboration platform. It integrates wikis, forums, calendars and document management tools with activity streams and workspaces enabling teachers and their students to easily and instantly connect and collaborate on multiple projects in a frictionless environment. • Social networking: connect with users and track individuals and group activity. • Spaces that can support the creation of collaborative spaces for teams, projects or communities. • Calendars are teachers and their students to schedule meetings and organize agenda with personal and group calendars and reminders. • Discussion forums allow learners to start discussions using an enterprise grade forum. • A platform of this nature can be used to help learners collaborate and share ideas on whatever project they are given to do. 2. Weblate The weblate is an online translation management system that offers features such as continuous translation, quality checks, notifications, peer review, access control and so on. Weblate supports about a hundred and fifty (150) languages. The weblate actually help students, most especially those who are into or those who have interest in linguistics and wants to learn a lot more of languages. It can also help students to develop their speaking and writing skills 3. Word press Is one of the world’s most popular web publishing platforms for building blogs and websites. It can be customized via a wide selection themes, extensions and plug-ins. It has an up to date development frame work, extensive feature set, flexibility, rapid and multilingual publishing ability, multi author publishing support and thriving community. Some outstanding features includes; • Rich text and HTML editing which help students to learn how to code in HTML. • Thousands of add-ons for ecommerce, email, spam filtering and more. • This platform can be used in the classroom to develop children’s creative skills on web development, since it allows them to develop or have their own space online where they can share information and stuff about themselves. 4. Open edx This is a platform that is used to deliver courses online. It provides a range of authoring tools to help educators to create effective course materials and build vibrant online learning communities. As a teacher, you can introduce your students to this platform where information and other materials can be kept there for them to learn. It will also bridge the gap between students and their instructor. It will as well give them a feel of the online learning environment. 5. Codiad The Codiad is a web-based integrated development framework (IDE), which allows for fast and interactive development. You do not need a desktop editor to be able to develop programs. It also create the avenue for collaboration. This is a platform that will help leaners to learn how to code and write programs irrespective of where they since it is online.


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